Creepy and Carnal Creativity comes to Brisbane next February
February is set to be a very freaky month. As 2023 looms ever closer, Abadon Productions (coming off the success of their start of the year noir drama Once Upon A Time in Sacramento) are set to kick off the new year with a uniquely interesting production; The Abadon Burlesque Show: My Bloody Valentine.
An original production written and directed by Liam Donnelly (writer and director of Once Upon a Time in Sacramento) and choreographed and co-directed by Tayla Simpson (director of Beenleigh Theatre Groups upcoming production of Avenue Q), The Abadon Burlesque Show is a theatrical soiree of the sinister and sexual, featuring local Brisbane talent and performers, old and new. A cabaret style affair that’s part comedy, part horror and part burlesque show (as the title suggests), the work takes influence and inspiration from a wide range of horror media, with everything from killer clowns, fallen angels and a particularly muscular vampire to boot.
“For the longest time, I’ve wanted to do a horror show as I feel it’s a genre that never really gets the representation it deserves. As a fan of burlesque as a style as well the two seemed like a natural fit for a production for stage. They each lend themselves to each other to create as Clive Barker would say a sense of repellant glamour: you may find yourself freaked out by what you’re seeing but if you’re willing to embrace the fun of it all, you’re going to have a good time.”
“The cast in the production is probably one of the strongest I’ve ever worked with and the show is definitely going to be something special, everyone brings something special to every rehearsal and it’s one of the greatest feelings as a director to see your cast enjoying themselves in every single session and wanting to come to rehearse.” Noted Liam Donnelly, Director.
“I’ve also been blessed with an incredible production team, heaven knows the work even at this stage wouldn’t be anywhere near as good as it is without Tayla (Simpson). I won’t give anything away too much, but audiences are really going to have a lot of fun with some of the wild stuff we’ve got planned.”
Tickets for The Abadon Burlesque Show: My Bloody Valentine are now on sale for a strictly limited season at the Ron Hurley Theatre next February.